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San Leandro Parking


Top recommended hourly parking in San Leandro

Garage - Downtown Parking Garage
Cheapest Garage
120 Estudillo Avenue, San Leandro
for 2 hours
Time limit - 2h max
Closest free of charge
99 Callan Avenue, San Leandro
Meter - $1.50 for 2h
Cheapest meter
1291 Hays Street, San Leandro
for 2 hours
Meter - $3 for 2h
Closest meter
1342 California Highway 185, San Leandro
for 2 hours
Meter - $3 for 2h
Max allowed stay of 2 hours
129 Pelton Center Way, San Leandro
for 2 hours
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Your guide to San Leandro parking

How much is parking in San Leandro?

Street parking rates vary from $0.75 per hour up to $1.50 per hour. Meters are enforced from 9 AM to 6 PM Monday through Saturday.

Is there free parking in San Leandro?

There is plenty of free parking in San Leandro.

Find free parking & Garage deals in San Leandro